Georgia News & Legislation
Current Legislation in GA the RAOA opposes.
In Public Safety Committee
By: Senators Payne of the 54th, Robertson of the 29th, Albers of the 56th, Kennedy of the 18th, Hufstetler of the 52nd and others
13 sponsors and co/sponsors
updated on 2/22/24
Bill Status
01/26/2024Senate Read Second Time
01/25/2024Senate Committee Favorably Reported
02/27/2023Senate Read and Referred
02/23/2023Senate Hopper
A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Part 1 of Article 2 of Chapter 12 of Title 16 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to gambling, so as to revise provisions relative to dogfighting; to prohibit fighting of dogs and game cocks; to prohibit possession or sale of fighting related objects; to provide for punishment; to provide for definitions; to amend Code Section 4-8-27 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to certificates of registration, requirements for issuance of certificate, individuals excluded from receiving registration, limitation of ownership, and annual renewal, so as to make conforming changes; to provide for related matters; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.
Current list of Sponsors
Name District
1. Payne, Chuck 54th
2. Robertson, Randy 29th Vice Chairman of public safety committee
3. Albers, John 56th Chairman of public safety committee
4. Kennedy, John F. 18th
5. Hufstetler, Chuck 52nd
6. Parent, Elena 42nd
7. Hickman, Billy 4th
8. Harrell, Sally 40th
9. Tate, Horacena 38th
10. Harbin, Marty 16th
11. McLaurin, Josh 14th
12. Still, Shawn 48th
13. Goodman, Russ 8th Member of public safety committee
Public Safety Committee contact information
Georgia General Assembly - Senate Committee on Public Safety (ga.gov)
Current Legislation in GA the RAOA supports
Updates Coming Soon

For more information go to Georgia Gamefowl breeders association Facebook page:
Lewis Martin President (706) 371-6862
Jonathan White Lobbyist (407) 840-4388